Chapter 3 of this guide outlined the problems that drive the need to maintain pedestrian facilities. The range of potential needs requiring servicing is expansive. Infrastructure maintenance needs involve the repair of sidewalk slabs or path segments by grinding, crack filling, and patching. In many cases the only solution is to replace sidewalks or resurface paths. Generally when surface conditions degrade to a point where tripping hazards exist or worsening running or cross slope conditions are making routes inaccessible, maintenance needs to occur. Maintenance is also necessary to respond to seasonal conditions such as fallen snow or overgrown vegetation. Every community should establish thresholds that trigger a response to these problems. Those thresholds should be informed by accessibility guidance using the criteria developed by the Access Board. Section 4 of this Guide outlines the thresholds, standards, and inspection techniques that should be in place. In summary, maintenance is necessary for sidewalks, curb ramps, and paths when an acceptable threshold is exceeded in the following categories. Additionally, seasonal maintenance is also required and is covered in detail in 5.6.
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